Monday, July 27, 2009

My convocation this coming thursday will mark the end of my student life. I've gotten a job which will start in a few weeks time and I have already listed items I want to purchase when I get my first month paycheck. Mixed feelings now. Happy that I secured a job and looking forward to money but lamenting the fact that I will lose my freedom.

It was my birthday last thursday and I celebrated it by watching Ice Age 3 in 3D format and having dinner at Marche treated by my friend. A couple of others treated me here and there on other days and I would like to thank them. They know who they are.

My parents went to Penang over the past 4 days so I was alone at home. I like the serenity of being home alone, the quietness and emptiness. I did all the household chores and kept the place cleaned. Its a feeling I cannot describe in words, but I kinda enjoyed having the whole house to myself.

I'm feeling better now. I wake up every morning and when the sun is up, I go swimming, when the clouds is grey, I watch my rented dvds. My life is slowly getting back on track. 3 weeks ago, the world came crashing down on me but I've accepted the fact and reality. Right now, I am optimistic that this time, everything will be alright.

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