Sunday, May 3, 2009

So it was my grandmother's birthday celebration yesterday at Republic Plaza last night. It was a high class posh restaurant located on the 62nd floor with a spectacular night view and only invited members can dine there. My uncle being the privileged one. So you may have all the moolah in the world but without invitation, sorry, the highway is there. The food was good, but between every dish, we had to wait 30 min and the portion was really small.

As usual , my father chose where he wanted to sit to avoid seating with one of my uncle. He even told me to sit elsewhere, so I ended up with the young people's table. So yeah. I was surprised that my youngest cousin is in JC1 cos I always had the impression that she was still in secondary school. Guess I haven't been showing up other than my yearly grandmother's birthday dinner. My mother had to rub in by saying 'Nowadays you can see him means you lucky I tell you'. I just put on my big smile.

My cousin was asking me fuuny questions like how old I was (she guessed correctly), did I watch American Idol and Amazing race, who is my favourite friends character, do I intend to move out of the house after graduation, is my sister younger or older than me (hello??), is she gonna come back etc. I answered as truthfully as possible and when she asked why, I just told her that when she reach my age, she will know why. Haha. Anyway I turned the tables on her and asked her stuff like does she have a bf, has she drank alcohol yet and started clubbing. Well apparently she is on the clean path. Unlike what I was in CJC. I have regrets in life definitely, but should I die one day, I can truthfully say, I never regretted going to CJC.


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