Saturday, February 20, 2010

Its been a long time coming

Hope everyone enjoyed their lunar new year holidays.

I was in Outram MRT after lunch hour going home. On the escalator down to the NEL, the left hand side was packed with people while the right hand side, as we all know should be free flowing, in the sense if you 'ain't moving then kindly keep to the left so that people in a hurry can walk on the right.

I wasn't in a hurry but just wanted to get home fast so I was on the right hand side. But in front of me was a aunty with those retro curly hair standing there blocking me. I said excuse me which she didn't bulge. I tap her shoulder to say excuse me, she turned around and ask me what I wanted. I said I wanted to go pass and she replied 'then overtake lah'. Well I couldn't becoz the LHS, lets just say in front of her and behind had people, so it was squeezy, if she stood in btw them on the left instead, I could have just carried on walking. But no, she gave me that fucked up look when she told me to overtake her. Anyway, she shouldn't be standing on the right in the first place.

I barged pass her and heard her mumbled something like "just overtake lah." She just had to test my patience. I couldn't help but turned back and said "dun stand on the fucking right if u ain't fucking moving". Sometimes I wished the law could turn a blind eye and let me pushed her down the escalator and make her fall down the steps and break her fucking neck.

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